Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2003
Ohne Quiz geht's nimmer...
Und ich hab da ein paar neue entdeckt!!!
Nicht so blog-tauglich wie die anderen, aber es gibt ja noch das gute alte copy & paste....
What's Your Celebrity Style?
You scored 40% Low-Maintenance Hottie
Like Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan and Janeane Garafalo, you know looking good doesn't have to take hours. Your motto is 'keep it simple, sweetheart,' and your friends respect your independence. You may resist dressing up, but for good reason - Julia knows she looks best when she lets her curly mane be natural, Janeane knows the coolest style statement is doing her own thing, and Meg has become one of the power players in Hollywood on the strength of her winning grin, rather than being a glamourpuss. Plus, all these stars have one thing in common: a natural appeal that comes from being themselves. Like classic - and classy - film icons Katherine Hepburn and Ingrid Bergman, you're no slave to fashion, and that suits you perfectly.
Your Must Haves:
Lip balm, wear-with-anything shoes, one perfect all-purpose bag and a favorite comfy sweater - and you practically invented blue jeans yourself!
Your Classic Movies:
The Philadelphia Story, Casablanca, Annie Hall
Other Celebrity Style Inspirations:
Diane Keaton, Doris Day, Cameron Diaz
Und falls Ihr auch mal wissen möchtet, wie sich Eure Prozente so auf Hollywoods Klamottengeschmack verteilen, dann klickt doch mal hier.
Nicht so blog-tauglich wie die anderen, aber es gibt ja noch das gute alte copy & paste....
What's Your Celebrity Style?
You scored 40% Low-Maintenance Hottie
Like Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan and Janeane Garafalo, you know looking good doesn't have to take hours. Your motto is 'keep it simple, sweetheart,' and your friends respect your independence. You may resist dressing up, but for good reason - Julia knows she looks best when she lets her curly mane be natural, Janeane knows the coolest style statement is doing her own thing, and Meg has become one of the power players in Hollywood on the strength of her winning grin, rather than being a glamourpuss. Plus, all these stars have one thing in common: a natural appeal that comes from being themselves. Like classic - and classy - film icons Katherine Hepburn and Ingrid Bergman, you're no slave to fashion, and that suits you perfectly.
Your Must Haves:
Lip balm, wear-with-anything shoes, one perfect all-purpose bag and a favorite comfy sweater - and you practically invented blue jeans yourself!
Your Classic Movies:
The Philadelphia Story, Casablanca, Annie Hall
Other Celebrity Style Inspirations:
Diane Keaton, Doris Day, Cameron Diaz
Und falls Ihr auch mal wissen möchtet, wie sich Eure Prozente so auf Hollywoods Klamottengeschmack verteilen, dann klickt doch mal hier.
| ramirez
um 19:59h
| 3 tickets
| add a ticket?

Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2003, 20:11
You scored 50% Low-Maintenance Hottie
You scored 30% Classic with a Twist
You scored 10% Trendsetter
You scored 10% Glamour Queen
wobei, wenn ich es mir so durchlese trendsetter am allerwenigsten zu mir paßt.
wuhu, aber 10% glamour queen ;)
You scored 10% Trendsetter
You scored 10% Glamour Queen
wobei, wenn ich es mir so durchlese trendsetter am allerwenigsten zu mir paßt.
wuhu, aber 10% glamour queen ;)
Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2003, 20:21
Bei mir war es richtig putzig.
40% Low-Maintenance Hottie
30% Trendsetter
20% Classic with a twist
10% Glamour Queen
Oder waren die letzten beiden andersrum? Egal...
Hätt nicht gedacht, dass Du noch lower maintenance bist... ;o)
30% Trendsetter
20% Classic with a twist
10% Glamour Queen
Oder waren die letzten beiden andersrum? Egal...
Hätt nicht gedacht, dass Du noch lower maintenance bist... ;o)
Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2003, 20:23
geh jetzt kurz mal Futter machen und bissi in die Röhre gucken (tippen beim Essen macht immer so hässliche Klebereien auf der Tastatur - oder's Essen kalt...) und bin dann später wieder da!