Montag, 15. Juni 2009

Mal wieder gequizzt....

You Are Ernie

Playful and childlike, you are everyone's favorite friend - even if your goofy antics get annoying at times.

You are usually feeling: Amused - you are very easily entertained

You are famous for: Always making people smile. From your silly songs to your wild pranks, you keep things fun.

How you live your life: With ease. Life is only difficult when your friends won't play with you!
The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

... und Schuld ist Frau Sid. Dat hamma jetz davon... *chchchchch*">

[EDIT: Rechtschreibfehler im Text habe ich weitestgehend eliminiert... Hope I found them all....]

Quizzing | ramirez um 18:26h | 1 ticket | add a ticket?

sid, Montag, 15. Juni 2009, 21:46
Ach Ernie find ich ganz ok - mit Steppschuhen : )))
